Friday, May 9, 2008

Chinese Cinema

Wow, I don't feel like such a procrastinator anymore now that I see that only one other person has posted their blog! I was also assigned to write about Chinese cinema, however my knowledge is not quite as extensive as Cecil's.
As wikipedia tells me, motion pictures were introduced into China in 1896 and the first recorded screening was in August of that year in Shanghai. The film industry was mainly run by foreigners (making great diplomatic strides) in the beginning stages and shanghai became the center of all the action.
What I'm really curious about in Chinese cinema is what the Chinese students think of our American cinema. I want to compare and contrast the differences of the booming and busting Hollywood and Shanghai movie scene. Is China plagued by the obsession of celebrities as well? Is Shanghai as corrupt as Hollywood? Are there many types of genres? Is the same kind of equipment used? ...I mean I know almost everything is made in China...
When I visited China last summer, I never really got the chance to interact with students or people my age since I was stuck with the family being the annoying tourists with the cameras out all the time. I mean, a few people came up to us to ask to get their picture taken with us, but it's not like I got the chance to ask, "so what do you think about Chinese cinema?" I think this will be a great opportunity to really get a taste of eachothers culture and lifestyles.
I'm so excited!!

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